Critical Incident Stress Management Training
Assisting Individuals In Crisis and Group Crisis Intervention
Date: Stay tuned for next class
Location: Stay tuned for next class
Registration: Stay tuned for next class
About the course:
This three day course will be taught by Chaplain Fuzzy Lake, ICISF Trainer. The course combines all of the content of ICISF's Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention courses. Crisis Intervention is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. This course is designed for anyone in the fields of Business and Industry Crisis Intervention, Disaster Response, Education, Emergency Services, Employee Assistance, Heathcare, Homeland Security, Mental Health, Military, Spiritual Care, and Traumatic Stress.
Program highlights:
Psychological crisis and psychological crisis intervention
Resistance, resiliency, recovery continuum
Critical Incident Stress Management
Evidence-based practice
Basic crisis communication techniques
Common psychological and behavioral crisis reactions
Putative and emprically-derived mechanisms
SAFER-Revised model
Suicide intervention
Relevant research findings
Large group crisis interventions
Small group crisis interventions
Adverse outcome associated with crisis intervention
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
Completion of "Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support" & "Group Crisis Intervention" and receipt of a certificate indicating full attendace (27 contact hours) qualifies as two CORE classes in ICISF's Certificate of Specialized Training.
For questions please contact Caitlin Anderson at or 843-724-1212